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  • What is the Envato Market API?

      The Envato Market sites have an API so that users can access account data (such as sales rates and referral information) via outside applications and without the use of your Envato account password.

  • How do I use the API?

      If you're a developer and would like to use the Envato Market API for an application you're developing, you can access all the documentation here.

      A selection of the existing applications available is over at These applications can be accessed with your Envato account's username and an API key.

  • What is an API key?

      Your API key is a password for applications to access your account data through our API, without using your Envato password. You should never give out your Envato password to anyone.

  • Where can I get an API key?

      To generate an API key, select Settings from the account dropdown, then navigate to the API Keys tab. Multiple API keys can be generated so it is recommended to use one per application.

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<ul class="ini_class" data-colortheme="Pink" data-layout="menu" data-markershape="square" data-markersign="triangle" data-markerpos="left" data-colortype="bg">
	<li><a href="#"><strong>What is the Envato Market API?</strong></a>
			<p>The Envato Market sites have an API so that users can access account data (such as sales rates and referral information) via outside applications and without the use of your Envato account password.</p>	
	<li><a href="#"><strong>How do I use the API?</strong></a>
			<p>If you're a developer and would like to use the Envato Market API for an application you're developing, you can access all the documentation here.</p>
			<p>A selection of the existing applications available is over at These applications can be accessed with your Envato account's username and an API key.</p>
	<li><a href="#"><strong>What is an API key?</strong></a>
			<p>Your API key is a password for applications to access your account data through our API, without using your Envato password. You should never give out your Envato password to anyone.</p>
	<li><a href="#"><strong>Where can I get an API key?</strong></a>
			<p>To generate an API key, select Settings from the account dropdown, then navigate to the API Keys tab. Multiple API keys can be generated so it is recommended to use one per application.</p>